Product: ​ PREMIUM KIT


420 € 








This complete kit includes 5 tools designed by Dr Elisabeth Péri-Fontaa:


1.        "Where does our voice come from?", a pop-up book acclaimed by speech therapists as well as voice and singing professionals, that explains, page by page, the mechanisms for animating the various organs of the phonatory system.


2.       A 3D pharyngolarynx designed to explain to patients the role and functioning of the larynx, particularly during swallowing. This 3D pharyngo-larynx model includes thyroid cartilage, tracheal rings, cricoid cartilage on which the pair of arytenoid cartilages rests. It allows to visualize the inside of the larynx and in particular the musculomembranous folds from the lateral edge of the epiglottis to the corresponding arytenoid which allows the visualization of the piriform sinuses.

A unique tool that allows practitioners to explain to their patients what happens when food goes the « wrong way », vocal cord movements and the tilting of thyroid cartilage that puts the vocal cords in tension.


3.       Mobile Larynx: Made in PLS using 3D printing, this solid and lightweight larynx allows to show the possibilities of movement of the different laryngeal structures:


-          The vocal cords extending and converging

-          The tilting of the thyroid cartilage and vocal cord stretching

-          The tilting and straightening of the epiglottis

-          A gusseted larynx that concretely explains the possible folds of the laryngeal tube and materializes the sphincter function of the larynx through the vocal cords and ventricular bands that move apart and closer together.


4.       Larynx bellows mechanism: In order to perform its various functions, the larynx behaves like a spring. Completely stretched and released when we yawn, it compresses and contracts when we swallow and adopts intermediate positions in phonation. This representation of the larynx makes it possible to explain in concrete terms the possible folds of the laryngeal tube (as described by Fink in his work). It also materializes the sphincter functioning of the larynx through the vocal cords and ventricular bands that move apart and closer together.


5.       A miniature 3D larynx, with the same dimensions as an adult larynx.


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